So you know that you need to lose weight. Now what do you do next? Do you go it alone or do you join a weight loss program? If you do join a program, do you choose one in your local area or do you look into one of the online weight loss programs that have become so popular? Each option has its good and bad elements. This article will outline a few of those elements to help you decide which type of program is right for you.
"Real Life" Weight Loss Programs
When attending a local weight loss group or diet center there is face to face accountability for the weight you do or do not lose (as well as for the weight you gain). This is a good option for people who are especially worried about whether or not they will cheat on their diet, or they need someone else pushing them along. It is harder to cheat on a diet when you know that you will have to look someone in the face and answer for your actions.
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Another good thing about local centers is that these programs can be a great place to meet new people and discuss your successes and failures. Dieting and losing weight is often easier when you have someone to go through the process with you.
On the flip side, the face to face interaction is often what keeps people from joining one of these centers. Many people are too embarrassed to sign up for one of these programs or to ask for help.
Online Weight Loss Programs
For people who are too embarrassed or are uncomfortable with the idea of meeting other dieters face to face (or having to have another person weigh them), the online weight loss programs are a good option. The internet offers an anonymity that "real life" does not.
Even better, online diet programs often come with interactive menu planning, where you can enter in the foods you like and then let the menu planner plan out your meals for the next few weeks. These menu planners are very helpful in that they will save you a lot of time that would have been spent calculating the nutritional and caloric value of your meals.
There is also a degree of flexibility that your local programs don't have. Instead of being required to attend meetings at certain times, you track your weight loss in your own time and you choose the level of interaction you have with other dieters.
Only you will know which is best for you. If you are the sort of person who needs a little bit of extra motivation, the local diet or weight loss center is probably your best option. If, however, your schedule is busy, or if you are uncomfortable with the idea of interacting face to face with other dieters, or you simply do not require personal attention, then one of the online weight loss programs will probably your best option. Take some time and consider the pros and cons of each option before making your decision.
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